Thursday, December 16, 2010

you know you're a quilter if:

I am sure some of you have seen this already, but my aunt just sent it to me (she's not a quilter)

You Know you are a Quilter If...
There's more fabric in the house than food
"Fat Quarters" are not the heaviest part of your body
Your ironing board is always set up but you never iron clothes
You think of your job as an interruption of your quilting time
You pet fabric
People are always picking threads off you
You can measure a scant 1/4 by eye
"Featherweight" doesn't mean boxer
Your "UFO's" are not from outer space
You clean up your sewing room & they think you are leaving!


Barb said...

too funny!! and tooo true!!

Sandy said...

I love that, especially the part about the ironing board. Now occasionally I do need to iron clothes, which means that I have to find a place for all the quilty stuff that usually sits at the end of my board.


Katie said...

Uh oh...I think someone has been spying on me!

---"Love" said...

Hmmm----- I resemble most of those statements! And may I add --- Proudly! ---"Love"

Marsha B said...

Great read, made me laugh! I'm in there!

Tiffaney said...

Too cute. I shared it with my family since they will enjoy it as much as any quilter.

Beth said...

I love it. And it is so true...especiall more fabric in the house than food.
One of tha last times DD#2 came home from school, she called her sister over to the fridge and opened it and said "look how our parents live". Cracked me up.

canuckquilter said...

Ummm...guilty :) But I can live with that!