Saturday, January 29, 2011

quick hi!

hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA! our internet contract was up and we didn't renew because Adam is looking at less expensive options, so three weeks without real internet, KILLING ME! I use my I-touch at work but blogger is so hard to use on that little thing.

I miss you all and I think I will have to come to the library more often, or when we get taxes back buy myself a little laptop....I think the former is more likely

The kindness quilt is still coming in. So far I have nine blocks, so keep them coming! I would like at least a good lap size but anything will be wonderful. Don't forget a give-away is involved. I've been pulling thigns from my stash of patterns, fabrics, and plan to supplement.

Also APQ BLOCK SWAP buddies, I have everythign ready to mail (yes yes vacation last week got in the way!) so I will start trickling them out. I don't want to have a panic attack in the post office lobby so they'll go out one-three at a time!

next time I make a break for quiet library lisa time I will tell y ou all about my trip. It was a busy one!!!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

more info

I got this e-mail back from Julie, and thought it would be easiest to just share it with you here (so you can click the links and see what you can give. I'd happily mail it all together if you find something they ask for on their wish list locally, or if you want to include cards, anything else. I know someone told me they were asking a friend who has been down this road what might help, I will edit this post to include that list if she gets back to me.

OK here's the e-mail:

Thank you very much for your support. Below is their address as well as info on where people can make donations or help purchase items they need.

(edited their address for obvious reasons)

If you are looking for a way to help, we have an Amazon wishlist setup:
You can also make a tax deductible donation through the Talbert Family Foundation

I am thankful for everythign you guys are doing to help.

I will be visiting my folks here in just over two weeks, and boy do I need some family time myself! little things are beginign to annoy me at home and at work, time for a vacation!!

Monday, January 03, 2011

little bit of giving thanks

I know it's not anywhere near Thanksgiving, but I am SO thankful R has school today! I just spend the morning battling with her, stopping battles between her and her sister. I sort of worry that I am just passing on the problem to her teacher, but I think really a whole week without that structure is what did her in.

In two weeks we will go to visit my folks, and I think I might have to figure out something "school like" to do with her (and my mom IS a "retired" teacher...she now just subs when she wants to) for an hour each day, or an hour and a half every other day. She's only at preschool for 2 1/2 hours three days a week but BOY does she love it!

I am also thankful it's not FREEZING out, its like 20 degrees (F) and everyone had thrown salt down on their sidewalks. The walk to and from school was not as bitter as I thought it would be!

small miracles

Oh, I almost have another top to donate to Seattle Children's. I love making quilts that I like the pattern and want to try and fabrics I like but don't have the I NEED TO HAVE THIS edge to them, keeps my house from having too many quilts that I don't know what to do with! You will see on my PHD 2011 tab I have more than 8 projects, those with parenthesis are projects I want to finish too, but not necessarily in the 6 month challenge.